Top 10 types of Cyber Attacks


Hello and welcome guys to THEHACKINGERA, I am Dark Villain and I’m back again with another interesting topic.

So, without wasting much time let’s get started.

We all live in the world full of computers and we are having risk with a facility and in whole world an attack is attempted at every 39 seconds, so now you can think how insecure are you and your data.

So let’s try to know what are the most common types of cyber attack that are possible to be done with different users.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

      1.    Denial of Service (DOS) and Distributed Denial of service (DDOS)

2.    Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack 

3.    Phishing and spear phishing attack. 

4.    Drive-by attack

5.    Password attack

6.    SQL Injection Attack

7.    Cross site attack (XSS)

8.    Eavesdropping attack

9.    Birthday attack

10.  Malware Attack

1. Denial of service (Dos) and (DDOS) distributed denial of service attack

A Denial of service overpowers a framework's assets with the goal that it can't react to support demands. A DDoS attack is additionally an attack on framework's assets, yet it is dispatched from an enormous number of other host machines that are contaminated by noxious programming constrained by the attacker.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

Not at all like attacks that are intended to empower the attacker to acquire or expand access, forswearing of-administration doesn't give direct advantages to attackers. For some of them, it's sufficient to have the fulfillment of administration forswearing. Notwithstanding, assuming the attacked asset has a place with a business contender, the advantage to the attacker might be sufficiently genuine. 

Another motivation behind a DoS attack can be to take a framework disconnected with the goal that an alternate sort of attack can be dispatched. One regular model is meeting seizing, which I'll portray later.


There are various sorts of DoS and DDoS attacks; the most well-known are TCP SYN flood attack, tear attack, smurf attack, ping-of-death attack and botnets.


TCP SYN flood attack


In this attack, an attacker abuses the utilization of the cushion space during a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) meeting introduction handshake. The attacker's gadget floods the objective framework's little in-measure line with association demands, yet it doesn't react when the objective framework answers to those solicitations. This makes the objective framework break while sitting tight for the reaction from the attacker's gadget, which makes the framework crash or become unusable when the association line tops off.


There are a couple of countermeasures to a TCP SYN flood attack:


Spot workers behind a firewall arranged to stop inbound SYN bundles.

Increment the size of the association line and decline the break on open associations.


Tear attack

This attack causes the length and discontinuity balance fields in successive Internet Protocol (IP) bundles to cover each other on the attacked have; the attacked framework endeavors to recreate parcels during the interaction yet falls flat. The objective framework at that point gets befuddled and crashes.


On the off chance that clients don't have patches to secure against this DoS attack, handicap SMBv2 and square ports 139 and 445.


Smurf attack


This attack includes utilizing IP ridiculing and the ICMP to soak an objective organization with traffic. This attack technique utilizes ICMP reverberation demands focused at broadcast IP addresses. These ICMP demands start from a parodied "casualty" address. For example, if the expected casualty address is, the attacker would parody an ICMP reverberation demand from to the transmission address This solicitation would go to all IPs in the reach, with every one of the reactions returning to, overpowering the organization. This interaction is repeatable, and can be mechanized to produce colossal measures of organization clog.


To shield your gadgets from this attack, you need to impair IP-coordinated transmissions at the switches. This will forestall the ICMP reverberation broadcast demand at the organization gadgets. Another choice is design the end frameworks to hold them back from reacting to ICMP parcels from broadcast addresses.


Ping of death attack


This sort of attack utilizes IP parcels to 'ping an objective framework with an IP size over the limit of 65,535 bytes. IP parcels of this size are not permitted, so attacker pieces the IP bundle. When the objective framework reassembles the bundle, it can encounter support floods and different accidents.

Ping of death attacks can be hindered by utilizing a firewall that will check divided IP parcels for most extreme size.



Top 10 most common types of attacks

Botnets are the large numbers of frameworks contaminated with malware under programmer control to complete DDoS attacks. These bots or zombie frameworks are utilized to complete attacks against the objective frameworks, regularly overpowering the objective framework's transfer speed and handling capacities. These DDoS attacks are hard to follow on the grounds that botnets are situated in varying geographic areas.


Botnets can be relieved by:


RFC3704 sifting, which will deny traffic from satirize addresses and help guarantee that traffic is recognizable to its right source organization. For instance, RFC3704 separating will drop parcels from bogon list addresses.


Dark opening sifting, which drops unwanted traffic before it enters an ensured network. At the point when a DDoS attack is identified, the BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) host ought to send directing updates to ISP switches with the goal that they course all traffic making a beeline for casualty workers to a null0 interface at the following bounce.

Man-in-the-center (MitM) attack


2.  Mitm attack (Man in the middle)

A MitM attack happens when a programmer embeds itself between the interchanges of a customer and a worker. Here are some regular sorts of man-in-the-center attacks:


Meeting commandeering

Top 10 most common types of attacks

In this sort of MitM attack, an attacker commandeers a meeting between a confided in customer and organization worker. The attacking PC substitutes its IP address for the believed customer while the worker proceeds with the meeting, trusting it is speaking with the customer. For example, the attack may unfurl this way:


A customer associates with a worker.


The attacker's PC oversees the customer.


The attacker's PC disengages the customer from the worker.


The attacker's PC replaces the customer's IP address with its own IP address and


parodies the customer's arrangement numbers.


The attacker's PC proceeds with exchange with the worker and the worker trusts it is as yet speaking with the customer.


IP Spoofing

Top 10 most common types of attacks

IP mocking is utilized by an attacker to persuade a framework that it is speaking with a known, confided in element and furnish the attacker with admittance to the framework. The attacker sends a bundle with the IP source address of a known, confided in have rather than its own IP source address to an objective host. The objective host may acknowledge the parcel and follow up on it.



A replay attack happens when an attacker catches and saves old messages and afterward attempts to send them later, mimicking one of the members. This sort can be effortlessly countered with meeting timestamps or nonce (an arbitrary number or a string that changes with time).


As of now, there is no single innovation or setup to forestall all MitM attacks. For the most part, encryption and advanced testaments give a compelling shield against MitM attacks, guaranteeing both the privacy and respectability of correspondences. In any case, a man-in-the-center attack can be infused into the center of correspondences so that encryption won't help — for instance, attacker "A" captures public key of individual "P" and substitute it with his own public key. At that point, anybody needing to send a scrambled message to P utilizing P's public key is accidentally utilizing A's public key. Hence, A can peruse the message proposed for P and afterward send the message to P, encoded in P's genuine public key, and P won't ever see that the message was undermined. What's more, A could likewise alter the message prior to resending it to P. As should be obvious, P is utilizing encryption and thinks that his data is secured however it isn't, due to the MitM attack.


All in all, how might you disclose sure that P's key has a place with P and not to A? Testament specialists and hash capacities were made to take care of this issue. At the point when individual 2 (P2) needs to make an impression on P, and P needs to be certain that A won't peruse or alter the message and that the message really came from P2, the accompanying technique should be utilized:


P2 makes a symmetric key and encodes it with P's public key.


P2 sends the encoded symmetric key to P.


P2 figures a hash capacity of the message and carefully signs it.


P2 encodes his message and the message's marked hash utilizing the symmetric key and sends the whole thing to P.


P can get the symmetric key from P2 on the grounds that lone he has the private key to decode the encryption.


P, and no one but P, can decode the evenly scrambled message and marked hash since he has the symmetric key.


He can confirm that the message has not been adjusted on the grounds that he can process the hash of got message and contrast it and carefully marked one.


P is likewise ready to demonstrate to himself that P2 was the sender on the grounds that lone P2 can sign the hash so it is checked with P2 public key.

3. Phishing and spear phishing attacks

Phishing attack is the practice of sending emails that appear to be from trusted sources with the goal of gaining personal information or influencing  users to do something. It combines social engineering and technical trickery. It could involve an attachment to an email that loads malware onto your computer. It could also be a link to an illegitimate website that can trick you into downloading malware or handing over your personal information.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

Spear phishing is a very targeted type of phishing activity. Attackers take the time to conduct research into targets and create messages that are personal and relevant. Because of this, spear phishing can be very hard to identify and even harder to defend against. One of the simplest ways that a hacker can conduct a spear phishing attack is email spoofing, which is when the information in the “From” section of the email is falsified, making it appear as if it is coming from someone you know, such as your management or your partner company. Another technique that scammers use to add credibility to their story is website cloning — they copy legitimate websites to fool you into entering personally identifiable information (PII) or login credentials.

To reduce the risk of being phished, you can use these techniques:

  • Critical thinking — Do not accept that an email is the real deal just because you’re busy or stressed or you have 150 other unread messages in your inbox. Stop for a minute and analyze the email.
  • Hovering over the links — Move your mouse over the link, but do not click it! Just let your mouse cursor h over over the link and see where would actually take you. Apply critical thinking to decipher the URL.
  • Analyzing email headers — Email headers define how an email got to your address. The “Reply-to” and “Return-Path” parameters should lead to the same domain as is stated in the email.
  • Sandboxing — You can test email content in a sandbox environment, logging activity from opening the attachment or clicking the links inside the email.

4. Drive-by attack


Drive-by download attacks are a typical strategy for spreading malware. Programmers search for uncertain sites and plant a malevolent content into HTTP or PHP code on one of the pages. This content may introduce malware straightforwardly onto the PC of somebody who visits the site, or it may re-direct the casualty to a site constrained by the programmers. Drive-by downloads can happen when visiting a site or review an email message or a spring up window. Dissimilar to numerous different kinds of network safety attacks, a drive-by doesn't depend on a client to successfully effectively empower the attack — you don't need to click a download catch or open a malignant email connection to get tainted. A drive-by download can exploit an application, working framework or internet browser that contains security blemishes because of ineffective updates or absence of updates.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

To save yourself from drive-by attacks, you need to keep your programs and working frameworks modern and maintain a strategic distance from sites that may contain pernicious code. Adhere to the locales you ordinarily use — despite the fact that remember that even these destinations can be hacked. Try not to keep an excessive number of pointless projects and applications on your gadget. The more modules you have, the more weaknesses there are that can be abused by drive-by attacks.

5. Password attack


Since passwords are the most regularly utilized instrument to confirm clients to a data framework, getting passwords is a typical and powerful attack approach. Admittance to an individual's secret word can be gotten by checking out the individual's work area, ''sniffing'' the association with the organization to secure decoded passwords, utilizing social designing, accessing a secret key data set or altogether speculating. The last methodology should be possible in either an irregular or efficient way:


Savage power secret key speculating implies utilizing an arbitrary methodology by attempting various passwords and trusting that one work Some rationale can be applied by attempting passwords identified with the individual's name, work title, pastimes or comparative things.

Top 10 most common types of attacks


In a word reference attack, a word reference of regular passwords is utilized to endeavor to access a client's PC and organization. One methodology is to duplicate an encoded record that contains the passwords, apply similar encryption to a word reference of generally utilized passwords, and think about the outcomes.


To shield yourself from word reference or savage power attacks, you need to carry out a record lockout strategy that will bolt the record after a couple of invalid secret phrase endeavors. You can follow these record lockout best practices to set it up accurately.

6. SQL injection attack


SQL injection has become a typical issue with information base driven sites. It happens when a criminal executes a SQL inquiry to the data set through the information from the customer to worker. SQL orders are embedded into information plane contribution (for instance, rather than the login or secret key) to run predefined SQL orders. A fruitful SQL injection adventure can peruse touchy information from the data set, adjust (addition, refresh or erase) data set information, execute organization activities (like closure) on the data set, recuperate the substance of a given record, and, now and again, issue orders to the working framework.


For instance, a web structure on a site may demand a client's record name and afterward send it to the data set to pull up the related record data utilizing dynamic SQL like this:

Top 10 most common types of attacks

"SELECT * FROM clients WHERE account = '" + userProvidedAccountNumber +"';"


While this works for clients who are appropriately entering their record number, it leaves an opening for attackers. For instance, in the event that somebody chose to give a record number of "' or '1' = '1'", that would bring about a question line of:


"SELECT * FROM clients WHERE account = '' or '1' = '1';"


Since '1' = '1' consistently assesses to TRUE, the information base will return the information for all clients rather than simply a solitary client.


The weakness to this sort of network protection attack relies upon the way that SQL makes no genuine qualification between the control and information planes. Thusly, SQL injections work generally if a site utilizes dynamic SQL. Moreover, SQL injection is extremely basic with PHP and ASP applications because of the pervasiveness of more seasoned practical interfaces. J2EE and ASP.NET applications are more averse to have handily abused SQL injections in view of the idea of the automatic interfaces accessible.


To shield yourself from a SQL injection attacks, apply least0privilege model of authorizations in your information bases. Stick to put away methodology (ensure that these strategies do exclude any unique SQL) and arranged proclamations (defined questions). The code that is executed against the data set should be sufficiently able to forestall injection attacks. Moreover, approve input information against a white rundown at the application level.

7. cross-site scripting (XSS) attack


XSS attacks utilize outsider web assets to run contents in the casualty's internet browser or scriptable application. In particular, the attacker infuses a payload with vindictive JavaScript into a website's data set. At the point when the casualty demands a page from the website, the website communicates the page, with the attacker's payload as a component of the HTML body, to the casualty's program, which executes the malignant content. For instance, it may send the casualty's treat to the attacker's worker, and the attacker can remove it and use it for meeting capturing. The most hazardous outcomes happen when XSS is utilized to abuse extra weaknesses. These weaknesses can empower an attacker to take treats, yet additionally log key strokes, catch screen captures, find and gather network data, and distantly access and control the casualty's machine.

While XSS can be exploited inside VBScript, ActiveX and Flash, the most broadly manhandled is JavaScript — basically on the grounds that JavaScript is upheld generally on the web.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

To guard against XSS attacks, designers can disinfect information contribution by clients in a HTTP demand prior to reflecting it back. Ensure all information is approved, separated or gotten away prior to repeating anything back to the client, like the estimations of question boundaries during look. Convert uncommon characters, for example, ?, and,/, <, > and spaces to their particular HTML or URL encoded reciprocals. Give clients the choice to incapacitate customer side contents.

8. Eavesdropping attack


Eavesdropping attacks happen through the block attempt of organization traffic. By eavesdropping, an attacker can acquire passwords, Visa numbers and other private data that a client may be sending preposterous. Eavesdropping can be inactive or dynamic:


Latent eavesdropping — A programmer distinguishes the data by tuning in to the message transmission in the organization.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

Dynamic eavesdropping — A programmer effectively gets the data by camouflaging himself as cordial unit and by sending inquiries to transmitters. This is called testing, filtering or altering.


Identifying latent eavesdropping attacks is regularly more significant than spotting dynamic ones, since dynamic attacks requires the attacker to acquire information on the agreeable units by leading inactive eavesdropping previously.


Information encryption is the best countermeasure for eavesdropping.


9. Birthday attack


Birthday attacks are made against hash calculations that are utilized to confirm the uprightness of a message, programming or advanced mark. A message prepared by a hash work delivers a message digest (MD) of fixed length, free of the length of the information message; this MD extraordinarily describes the message. The birthday attack alludes to the likelihood of discovering two irregular messages that produce a similar MD when handled by a hash work. On the off chance that an attacker computes same MD for his message as the client has, he can securely supplant the client's message with his, and the recipient won't distinguish the substitution regardless of whether he thinks about MDs.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

10 Malware attack


Pernicious programming can be portrayed as undesirable programming that is introduced in your framework without your assent. It can join itself to genuine code and engender; it can prowl in helpful applications or reproduce itself across the Internet. Here are the absolute most basic kinds of malware:


Large scale infections — These infections contaminate applications like Microsoft Word or Excel. Full scale infections append to an application's instatement succession. At the point when the application is opened, the infection executes directions prior to moving control to the application. The infection duplicates itself and joins to other code in the PC framework.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

Document infectors — File infector infections generally join themselves to executable code, for example, .exe records. The infection is introduced when the code is stacked. Another adaptation of a record infector partners itself with a document by making an infection record with a similar name, yet an .exe augmentation. Along these lines, when the document is opened, the infection code will execute.


Framework or boot-record infectors — A boot-record infection appends to the expert boot record on hard circles. At the point when the framework is begun, it will take a gander at the boot area and burden the infection into memory, where it can proliferate to different plates and PCs.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

Polymorphic infections — These infections cover themselves through differing patterns of encryption and decoding. The scrambled infection and a related change motor are at first unscrambled by a decoding program. The infection continues to contaminate a zone of code. The transformation motor at that point builds up another decoding normal and the infection scrambles the change motor and a duplicate of the infection with a calculation comparing to the new unscrambling schedule. The encoded bundle of transformation motor and infection is joined to new code, and the interaction rehashes. Such infections are hard to identify however have a significant degree of entropy on account of the numerous adjustments of their source code. Hostile to infection programming or free instruments like Process Hacker can utilize this element to recognize them.


Secrecy infections — Stealth infections assume control over framework capacities to hide themselves. They do this by bargaining malware recognition programming with the goal that the product will report a contaminated territory as being uninfected. These infections disguise any increment in the size of a contaminated document or changes to the record's date and season of last alteration.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

Trojans — A Trojan or a Trojan pony is a program that stows away in a helpful program and typically has a vindictive capacity. A significant contrast among infections and Trojans is that Trojans don't self-repeat. As well as dispatching attacks on a framework, a Trojan can set up an indirect access that can be misused by attackers. For instance, a Trojan can be modified to open a high-numbered port so the programmer can utilize it to tune in and afterward play out an attack.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

Rationale bombs — A rationale bomb is a sort of vindictive programming that is attached to an application and is set off by a particular event, like an intelligent condition or a particular date and time.


Worms — Worms contrast from infections in that they don't join to a host record, however are independent projects that spread across organizations and PCs. Worms are generally spread through email connections; opening the connection actuates the worm program. A normal worm abuse includes the worm sending a duplicate of itself to each contact in a contaminated PC's email address as well as leading vindictive exercises, a worm spreading across the web and over-burdening email workers can bring about forswearing of-administration attacks against hubs on the organization.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

Droppers — A dropper is a program used to introduce infections on PCs. In numerous examples, the dropper isn't contaminated with pernicious code and, consequently probably won't be distinguished by infection examining programming. A dropper can likewise interface with the web and download updates to infection programming that is inhabitant on an undermined framework.


Ransomware — Ransomware is a sort of malware that squares admittance to the casualty's information and takes steps to distribute or erase it except if a payoff is paid. While some straightforward PC ransomware can secure the framework a way that isn't hard for a proficient individual to invert, further developed malware utilizes a method called cryptoviral coercion, which encodes the casualty's documents such that makes them almost difficult to recuperate without the unscrambling key.

Top 10 most common types of attacks

Hope you liked my content so please follow and let me know in the comments section how this article was and I will see you next time with another interesting topic

Till then bye bye.

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